Am I one of those big house traditional publishers like Random House, Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster, Tate or Hyperion?
Unfortunately no. I am a small start-up publishing company implementing online technologies in order to get your book published for individual sales and online sales channels.
Am I a self-publishing company like CreateSpace?
No. I can guarantee once your book is published it will be available in all online bookstores including Barnes & Noble, Borders and BooksAMillion
without CreateSpace's overly high Global Distribution Fees.
Am I like Infinity Publishing, AuthorHouse or OutSkirts Press?
Not really. While my services can print quantities to your specification (POD) I put a more human touch to every book I publish. I am very selective about what I publish as I spend quite a bit of time making sure each step of the process is done right and to your satisfaction. I want your publishing experience to be as easy as possible and so you will always talk to me personally. That being said, it is just me, and if you want a more in-depth experience with more opportunities, experience, or more employees, check out the others.
Why shouldn稚 I self publish?
With technological advances, there are many self-publishers and vanity publishing websites available for the aspiring author to implement and use. If you are capable of interior layout, professional book cover design, are willing to learn all of the technologies, research and experiment with all of the platforms (to find the best) and go at it alone, by all means, go for it. But if you want your book to look professional, and you want it listed in more places than just Amazon and you are willing to pay for someone else to take over the process for you, then read on.
Do I lose my creative control or give up my intellectual property rights?
No, the author retains full creative control and rights of their book.
How does the submission and publication process work? And, how long does it take?
Manuscripts are reviewed within weeks. Upon manuscript acceptance, the book can be published in a couple
of months (not years)
Will my book be on Amazon?
Your book will be listed on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, BooksAMillion, Ingram
Content Group Baker Taylor and many other bookseller sites, Christian bookstores as well as online libraries, academic institutions, etc.
What if we get large orders from companies or schools?
My platform implements technologies for print on demand orders, as well as large quantity orders. If orders exceed quantities of 2,000, they get run on an offset printer, which reduces the cost significantly (increasing your royalties) and of course ships out from the factory direct to your customer.
Do you offer e-book publishing?
Yes! The platform I use will create your book into 7 different formats including but not limited to kindle, epub for Apple iBookstore, Kobo, B&N, Sony Reader, Palm Doc OS, etc. These formats will then be distributed in all of the retail sales channels such as Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, the Diesel eBook Store and
many others.
Can I get author copies? And, how much will they cost me?
Yes, authors may order as many author copies they want at production cost (not retail).
What is a publishing services company?
A publishing services company performs all of the steps necessary to produce a finished book and release it to the market. The author pays a fee that covers the cost of mechanical editing, page and cover design, printing and binding, as well as limited promotion, order fulfillment and other administrative services.
How much will I be charged?
We customize our publishing packages
according to each book's needs. Binding type, page size and whether illustrations are required are several factors that affect the price. Once we have received your manuscript, we will provide you with a publishing proposal that outlines the fees. We値l also outline the general production specifications of your book and how long it will take to complete.
Do I need a completed manuscript?
Yes. If your manuscript is complete, submit it to us for review. We can offer publishing contracts only for completed manuscripts. We also highly suggest having it edited before sending, as you want your work to be pristine so you can set your best foot forward.
How does the process work?
Once you submit your manuscript, it will be reviewed. If accepted, you値l receive a detailed publishing proposal that outlines how we値l handle the publication of your book, and what it will cost. If you accept our proposal, you値l return the signed contract along with the first payment, and we値l get to work!
Do you take every manuscript?
No. While we do not review or evaluate manuscripts for literary merit or market potential, we do want to make sure it fits in our educational aspects and Christian views. There are also categories that we do not accept: libelous or racist material, hate literature, or pornography. We reserve the right to reject any work that we may find to be unsuitable for our company.
Do I need to copyright my book before I send it in?
Not necessarily. If you want to complete the copyright process, please do so. But we can do the process for you
(for an additional fee). The copyright will be registered in your name, not
Note: Manuscripts and unpublished works are protected by common law and
statutory law from the point of creation. There is no need to obtain a
formal copyright registration before submission.
What kind of earnings can I expect?
Authors receive 80% of what the publisher receives (royalties), which is the retail price of each book sold
minus printing, distribution and shipping costs. Since you set your cost, you will know how much each sold book receives. Since the book sales industry is that of chance there is never any guarantee of outside sales. Marketing and publicity help inform the public about your book and it is up to each individual consumer to decide if they want to purchase it. If you proceed with the publishing process you are doing so because you want to see your book published and you are willing to promote it. Do not sign up with us if you have high expectations of sales. The publishing world is saturated and each author needs to understand that it takes time and hard work to make sales.
I want to publish a children's book. Do I need to provide my own illustrations?
Each project will be evaluated separately, but as a rule of thumb for us,
we say yes. There are many, incredibly talented illustrators looking for
work and a multitude of styles to choose from. The choice on deciding on the
right illustrator for your work is primarily up to you. That being said, we
can decide on the best layout of the illustrations for your children's book
and will discuss the process and options with you before proceeding.
How do I get started?
Read our Submission Guidelines Requirements and fill out our submissions form.