K Wendt

K Wendt resides in Central Texas. The youngest of three children, she has one brother and one sister. Her two children are her greatest joy. She has been writing since she was in high school, starting with lyrics and poems. Through the years, her writing has been put aside and then briefly picked up again, but in the Spring of 2013, the idea for Duney (her first children’s book) came to her and she had to see it through, especially when her son agreed to illustrate it. Since then, Wendt continued chasing her desire to write. To date, she has published fourteen books in multiple genres. You can find her in Women’s Fiction, Poetry, and Westerns, as well as many more children’s books.

Emma’s Journey: Autumnville Series Book 2
Karl’s Passage: Autumnville Series Book 1

Karl’s Passage: Autumnville Series Book 1

14.99 | 9.99
Series: Autumnville Series
Genres: Drama, Romance, Young Adult

Karl's passage through certain life challenges brings him to the place he was meant to be and eventually to the woman he would love for the rest of his life.

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Jack the Jackrabbit

Jack the Jackrabbit

$12.00eBook: $2.99

The last time she saw her Nana it made her very sad and she did not want to be that sad ever again. But when a small jackrabbit senses Lynn’s fears, he leads her down the path and helps her find her happiness again.

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Phoebe is a children's book about sharing.

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