Short Stories

Santa’s Visit to Washington, D.C.

Santa’s Visit to Washington, D.C.

Imagine yourself flying over our Nation’s Capital with Santa, Mrs. Claus and the Elves!  Adults and children will be lost in adventure, but it’s also “EduTainment”- Educational Entertainment. You'll feel like you've been to D.C!


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CAJUN – A Collection of Short Stories

CAJUN – A Collection of Short Stories


Peggy Marceaux tantalizes your senses with another cultural collection of short Cajun stories.

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Respect 4 Endangered Species

Respect 4 Endangered Species


In this second collection of short stories by author Peggy Marceaux, she hilariously covers endangered whales, falcons, the down trodden, and even our homeland. All of which is currently endangered.

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Look Beyond the Picture

Look Beyond the Picture


In this short story collection, author Peggy Marceaux tantalizes you with astronaut cat adventures, a ghost gun causing chaos, and a planet that cowboys fear.

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A Rhyme for Everything – Poetry Book

A Rhyme for Everything – Poetry Book

$9.99eBook: $2.99

There is a time for everything, and a poem for every activity under the sun. A time to weep and a time to be sad, a time to laugh and a time to get mad. This book has a bit of everything, even the bazaar, so enjoy every rhyme, like I have - so far!

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The Day Hell Froze Over

The Day Hell Froze Over

This short story is a creative play on the phrase, and is intended to bring a smile to your face.

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The Dog who cried Woof!

The Dog who cried Woof!

eBook: $0.00

Young puppy Riley is learning what it's like to be on lookout duty for daddy.

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Ethan’s Reception

Ethan’s Reception

eBook: $0.00

FiFi was not happy the day Ethan was brought home from the animal shelter... but Ethan was enthralled!

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True Stories and Rhymes of the Range

True Stories and Rhymes of the Range


A rare introduction to cowboy life on the vast ranges of central Arizona.

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Night and Day

Night and Day

HB $17.95 | PB $9.95eBook: $9.95

After successfully launching “Journeys into Darkness and Light” a collection of short stories in April 2015, André Nguyễn Văn Châu penned three longer fiction works included within “Night and Day”.

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Journeys into Darkness and Light

Journeys into Darkness and Light

HB $17.95 | PB $9.95eBook: $8.95

Born in Vietnam in 1935, André Nguyễn Văn Châu grew up in the midst of wars; enduring intense emotions ranging between hopes and disappointment to joys and sorrows.

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Snapshots from Home

Snapshots from Home

$7.95eBook: $2.99

Snapshots From Home is a short-story collection written to open discussions between parents and teens on real topics that face kids today.

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