
On The Wings of Wishes, True Magic Still Lives

On The Wings of Wishes, True Magic Still Lives

$9.99eBook: $2.99

Ash loves her new home. It's so pretty, there must be fairies!

Spending her days hunting for fairies and looking for magic, Ash is certain fairy magic is the only thing that can help solve her problems. However, throughout her searches, she begins to realize that magic can be found in some of the most unexpected places.

However, when a Category 5 hurricane threatens the safety of her village, Ash begins to wonder if there will be enough magic to save her family, friends and beloved home.

“On the Wings of Wishes will delight, entertain and enlighten. This fast-paced, incredibly exciting adventure is a perfect addition to any literary collection.”

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The Painting Trilogy Hardback

The Painting Trilogy Hardback

$27.95eBook: $9.99

This Limited Edition Hardback book combines all three of the inspirational stories from "The Painting Trilogy" into one, beautiful hardcover book.

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The Day Hell Froze Over

The Day Hell Froze Over

This short story is a creative play on the phrase, and is intended to bring a smile to your face.

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Ghost Dogs, Seeing is Believing

Ghost Dogs, Seeing is Believing

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When Jamie is born he is a happy baby. He giggles and laughs all of the time. In school though, he's called a daydreamer and a fidgeter. It isn't until he's able to describe the ghost dogs in detail that his mother understands.

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A Rainbow of Thanks

A Rainbow of Thanks

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Kate has just turned 11 and is about to have the adventure of a lifetime! While out playing, she steps into a rainbow and is magically transported to another place on the planet.

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Dream World Defenders

Dream World Defenders

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What would you do if you could do anything? Gathering for an epic, out-of-this-world adventure, the group discovers a place that is literally impossible to wake up from.

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Kaitlyn Jones, Reuniting Fate

Kaitlyn Jones, Reuniting Fate

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She couldn’t believe her eyes. She couldn’t believe her heart. The conclusion is only beginning. What happens next will blow you away!

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Kaitlyn Jones, Surviving Death

Kaitlyn Jones, Surviving Death


“Tom’s not dead! I would feel it!” Having been so connected, would she feel different? This exciting second book of the Kaitlyn Jones series will answer this… maybe.

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The Creation of Kaitlyn Jones

The Creation of Kaitlyn Jones

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Precognition – Future-Sight. Have you ever seen the future through a dream? If you knew you could save someone with that knowledge, would you?

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Ally Cat, A Tale of Survival

Ally Cat, A Tale of Survival

$9.95eBook: $2.99Audiobook: $19.95

Allison Catsworth accidentally gets knocked off of a cliff and instead of falling to her death, she transforms into a cat and lands on all four paws! Ally's life changes drastically in the moments after. Doctors discover her DNA is turning more feline each time she changes and in about nine turns (or nine life's) something's going to happen. Will she turn into a cat and remain a cat forever? Will she die? It's a race against time to discover the truth before her time is up!

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