Self Help

How to Write, Market and Sell Children’s Books

How to Write, Market and Sell Children’s Books

$19.95eBook: $9.99

♦ Story Development ♦ Writing Process ♦ Deciding Age Group ♦ Vocabulary ♦ Editing ♦ Interior Formatting ♦ Finding Illustrators ♦ Cover Creation ♦ Publishing Choices ♦ Marketing Avenues
♦ Gathering Reviews ♦ Public Sales Etiquette ♦ Your Branding ♦ School Visits ♦ The Dark Side of Publishing & More!

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Positive Vibes Kids

Positive Vibes Kids

Positive Thoughts, Positive Vibes
This Positive Vibes book is designed to keep young minds focused on the right path. With daily messages of encouragement and inspiration, young people will be supported as they journey towards adulthood. It reminds all readers of the importance of focusing on the positive aspects of life, which can help us navigate through life’s challenging times.
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Positive Vibes 3 – Fireside Thoughts

Positive Vibes 3 – Fireside Thoughts

Many of the affirmations written in this book came while taking in the warmth of the burning flames.

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Pawsitive Vibes – Dogs

Pawsitive Vibes – Dogs

PAWsitive Vibes - Dogs connects quirky and funny dog antics and inspirational messages to help you have a positive outlook on life.

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The Etiquette of Book Selling

The Etiquette of Book Selling

A How to Put your Best foot forward and make a Good First impression.

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Positive Vibes 2 – Making Strides

Positive Vibes 2 – Making Strides

$9.99eBook: $2.99

This second book of the series helps you “Make Strides” towards finding that positive balance and helps you appreciate the beauty this world has to offer.

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Positive Vibes

Positive Vibes

$9.99eBook: $3.49

It’s a known fact that a smile releases endorphins, which improve your mood, helps you relax, and lowers your blood pressure.

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The New Vietnamese-English Dictionary

The New Vietnamese-English Dictionary


This is an advanced Vietnamese dictionary with English definitions, compiled with the enrichment of the Vietnamese language in mind.

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Remote Viewing: What is it Really?

Remote Viewing: What is it Really?


Solve the Mystery: Remote Viewing, What is it Really? This small booklet could be of great value to anyone interested in the subject of Remote Viewing.

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Reading My Mind | Remote Viewing

Reading My Mind | Remote Viewing

$14.95eBook: $9.99

Join Nancy on an extraordinary journey as she becomes a Professional Remote Viewer and teacher.

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Snapshots from Home

Snapshots from Home

$7.95eBook: $2.99

Snapshots From Home is a short-story collection written to open discussions between parents and teens on real topics that face kids today.

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