Santa’s Visit to Maryland

Santa’s Visit to Maryland

T'was the night before Christmas in Maryland

Join Santa as he visits Maryland; the night before Christmas.

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About the Book

Maryland is frequently referred to as “America in Miniature” & the “Land of Pleasant Living.”

With a sampling of mountains, the bay and the ocean, ample wildlife, seafood and sports, industry and military, the great state of Maryland has something for everyone!

So settle down by a fire, add some hot chocolate & enjoy, what I hope will become an annual family tradition. Join Santa as he visits Maryland; the night before Christmas.


Author: Lynn Roxy Gambrill
Series: Santa Visits Series
Genres: Children's, Educational, Poetry, Young Adult
Tags: Adult | Young Adult, Rhyming | Poetry, Tween: Ages 8 and Up
Publisher: Erin Go Bragh Publishing
Publication Year: 2023
Format: paperback, ebook
Length: 28
Illustrator: Leo Kahl
ISBN: 9781956581294

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Lynn Roxy Gambrill

Lynn Roxy Gambrill and Leo Kahl attended Perry Hall Senior High School together in Perry Hall, Maryland. Little did they know that years later they would compose a book together!

Lynn “Roxy” fronted the popular classic rock band, “The Fabulous Hubcaps” and covered lead vocals, keyboard, sax, and flute.

As a featured performer, she worked on cruise ships throughout the U.S. and Europe. Lynn played for over 20 years as the principal pianist with the 35-piece Trinity Symphony Orchestra. She continues to perform hundreds of gigs per year.

Lynn is the CEO of Roxy Piano Lessons. She is a jazz and classical faculty member at the Community Colleges of Baltimore County, and a member of the Maryland Entertainment Hall of Fame.

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