The Ravens of Castle Keep

The Ravens of Castle Keep

Discover a Treasure Beyond Gold & Sparkles

Marcy can’t believe her luck! She is to be schooled in a real castle! Overly imaginative she and her friend, Ryan, begin their stay asking themselves, “Does every castle really have a ghost?"

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About the Book

Discover a Treasure Beyond Gold & Sparkles

After Marcy’s mother is severely injured in a car accident, her father sends her to live a dream. Marcy can’t believe her luck! She is to be schooled in a real castle! Overly imaginative she and her friend, Ryan, begin their stay asking themselves, “Does every castle really have a ghost? Or werewolves?” Even scarier, once they’ve visited the castle roof, they find giant, black monster birds sitting there. Oh no! Ravens? Aren’t they dangerous? Aren’t they vicious? Don’t they always stay hidden until Halloween? Marcy and Ryan embark on a deeply moving, educational journey to learn about the smartest birds in the world. Add to that a treasure hunt and you have an exciting tale for kids of all ages.

Award-winning writer, poet and artist, Angel Dunworth creates a fictional world, that teaches kids the truth about corvids. She seamlessly goes about the business of “un-demonizing” one of nature’s true miracles. Through her illustrations, factoids and fast-paced plot these birds are brought to life. The Ravens of Castle Keep, educates, entertains and enlightens. It’s a great addition to any bookshelf.



Author: Angel Dunworth
Genres: Adventure, Children's, Mystery, Tween
Tags: Award-Winning Books, Tween: Ages 8 and Up
Publisher: Erin Go Bragh Publishing
Publication Year: 2024
Format: paperback
Length: 112 pages
Illustrator: Angel Dunworth
ISBN: 9781956581416
For many children, the idea of attending school in a possibly haunted, treasure-filled castle would be daunting; however, for Marcy, it is a dream come true. After her mother is in a car accident, her father sends her to school in a real castle. After settling in and meeting her classmate Ryan, they imagine things like ghosts and werewolves living in the school. Soon, with talks of treasure, efforts to save the castle, and new bird friends, life turns into a full-blown adventure.nnThe Ravens of Castle Keep by Angel Dunworth is a fast-paced story about friendship, family, and the unexpected connections one can form with the natural world. Written for children, the book tackles significant issues such as injury, death, and bullying in age-appropriate ways, focusing on Marcyu2019s inner monologue about the situations she and Ryan face. As the two become friends with the ravens on the roof, they find an outlet for their time and collective grief while also learning to view the world around them differently.nnWriting from Marcyu2019s point of view, Dunworth excels at capturing a childu2019s perspective, from the imaginative roles given to the castle staff to the ideas about ghosts and treasure. Despite the sparse castle setting, the supporting characters are given ample personality, including the ravens, who are developed with distinct traits. Interspersed between the chapters are illustrations of corvids, accompanied by facts about ravens and crows, providing educational insights that enhance the story. This fun addition helps immerse readers further into the narrative. As Marcy and Ryan grow closer, each feeding off the otheru2019s strengths, it becomes increasingly clear that family is about more than blood relations.nnThe Ravens of Castle Keep is a delightful childrenu2019s story with moments of heartbreak, enriched by the corvid facts and a sense of adventure that permeates the entire book. The ending was purely delightful. Writing for children is often more challenging than it appears, but Dunworth has done an exceptional job with this one!
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Angel Dunworth

Angel Dunworth was born in Rail Road, Pennsylvania and has been trying to write since she could pick-up a crayon. She grew up in Florida and has had poetry published in Amvets newspaper. She has also won such awards as Best New Poet and Editor's Choice Award for poetry.
