Where My Heart Is, Collected Poems

Where My Heart Is, Collected Poems

Each poem reveals a piece of his soul...

"Where My Heart Is", his first collection of poems has only faint echoes from his his two collections of short stories, published in 2015.

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About the Book

Andre Nguyen Van Chau was born in Vietnam in 1935.

“Where My Heart Is”, his first collection of poems has only faint echoes from his his two collections of short stories, published in 2015. Indeed, ” “Night and Day”, and “Journeys into Darkness and Light’ offer scenes that one way or another touch the real life of the author. “Where My Heart Is” contains poems which if taken individually may simply express emotions of the moment, but when taken as a whole may reveal his deepest feelings of two decades when the poems were written. Taken as a whole, the poems touch the universal sentiments of human nature. Each poem appears to be a window open to the world outside and revealing what is otherwise hidden in his soul.

Author: Andre Nguyen Van Chau
Genre: Poetry
Tag: Rhyming | Poetry
Publisher: Erin Go Bragh Publishing
Publication Year: 2021
Format: Hardback
Length: 70
ASIN: 1941345883
ISBN: 9781941345887
List Price: 12.99
Andre Nguyen Van Chau

Andre Nguyen Van Chau was born in the Citadel of Hue, the old capital of Imperial Vietnam. He grew up with classmates who have become known writers, poets, composers and painters.

After obtaining a doctorate degree in the humanities at the Sorbonne, Paris, he taught English and creative writing at various universities in Viet Nam for twelve years.

In 1975 he began twenty-five years of work for migrants and refugees around the world, ten of which were spent at the head of the International Catholic Migrations Commissions with 84 national affiliates and with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

He has traveled and worked in over 90 countries.

Back to the United States after Geneva he was for ten years the Director, Language and Accent Training at ACS, then Xerox before retiring in Austin, Texas and beginning a new career as a full-time writer.

One of his published works, The Miracle of Hope, has been translated into nine different languages.

The New Vietnamese-English Dictionary, on which he spent an inordinate number of hours in the last twenty years, was finally published in 2014.

He and his wife, Sagrario, have four children: Andrew, married to Jodie Scales, Boi-Lan, married to Rodolphe Lemoine, Michael, married to Rachel La Fleur and Xavier. They have seven grand-children: Katelyn, Géraldine, Alix, Drew, Noah, Isabelle and Luke.
