On The Wings of Wishes, True Magic Still Lives

On The Wings of Wishes, True Magic Still Lives

Ash loves her new home. It's so pretty, there must be fairies!

“On the Wings of Wishes will delight, entertain and enlighten. This fast-paced, exciting adventure is a perfect addition to any literary collection.”

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About the Book

Ash loves her new home. It’s so pretty, there must be fairies!

Spending her days hunting for fairies and looking for magic, Ash is certain fairy magic is the only thing that can help solve her problems. However, throughout her searches, she begins to realize that magic can be found in some of the most unexpected places.

However, when a Category 5 hurricane threatens the safety of her village, Ash begins to wonder if there will be enough magic to save her family, friends and beloved home.

“On the Wings of Wishes will delight, entertain and enlighten. This fast-paced, incredibly exciting adventure is a perfect addition to any literary collection.”

On The Wings of Wishes, True Magic Still Lives
On The Wings of Wishes, True Magic Still Lives
Author: Angel Dunworth
Genres: Children's, Fantasy, Magical Realism
Tag: Tween: Ages 8 and Up
Publisher: Erin Go Bragh Publishing
Publication Year: 2024
Format: Paperback
Length: 105
ISBN: 9781956581485

List Price: 9.99
eBook Price: 2.99
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Angel Dunworth

Angel Dunworth was born in Rail Road, Pennsylvania and has been trying to write since she could pick-up a crayon. She grew up in Florida and has had poetry published in Amvets newspaper. She has also won such awards as Best New Poet and Editor's Choice Award for poetry.
