book publishing scams

How to Spot Book Publishing Scams

January 26, 2024 admin 0

Book publishing scams are fraudulent schemes that prey on writers or aspiring authors wanting to publish (or market) their work. Whether you are a new author just trying to find a way to get your book published, or you chose to self-publish and are now seeking marketing options to get sales, there is definitely a scam for you.

The Etiquette of Book Selling by author Kathleen J. Shields

Learn some Book Selling Etiquette

February 15, 2023 admin 0

The Etiquette of Book Selling: Learn tips and tricks on how to make the best first impression. Discover decorating ideas for you and your display. Impress your customers with sales etiquette that will inspire positive communications.

Author Success with Kickstarter

August 19, 2022 admin 0

Author Success with Kickstarter Authors can find Success with Kickstarter. Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website developed about 7 years ago. It has helped authors raise […]